here you see (mumble)
(2016 – ongoing) installation with text collages on audio guides, mp3s with not more than 4 min. in Engl. each, slide projectors, slides, rotating mirrors on clockworks running at different paces
The text collages were created out of a pool of found footage audiomaterial that derived from various audio tours for exhibitions of classic and contemporary art. The original material was recorded in the English version, even if it was collected in museums in Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands.The montaged bits and pieces of text focus on a certain way of talking and the special vocabulary within a museum context, thus emphasizing its pedagogy and theatrical gestures of showing. The manner of speaking around art lies more in the center of attention than, for example, to create a new – fictitious – exhibition in the visitor´s imagination.The projected numbers in the exhibition space are placeholders and correspond with the numbers which you can dial on the available audio guides. Those projections change rhythmically and in an irregular order. By rotating mirrors in front of the slide projectors they move slowly on the walls, appearing and disappearing in different corners.